28.92 лв.

Универсален почистващ препарат за подове

За машинно почистване

pH ниво на продукта: 13

Подходящ за ръчно измиване

Категории: , Product ID: 1754


Concentrated preparation with very strong cleaning properties for in-depth cleaning of very dirty surfaces. It is recommended for in-depth cleaning of washable alkalis resistant surfaces. Removes heavy dirt and accumulated remains of cleaning agents. Intended for cleaning with mops, scrubbers and single-disc machines.

Intended for cleaning floors in car workshops, industrial workshops and other industrial buildings.


77-385 1L
77-097 5L

How to use

Depending on the amounts of dirt deposits following solution should be used: – machine cleaning: 0,5 – 5% solution (50 – 500 ml/10 L of water) – manual cleaning: 50 – 500 ml/10 L of water.


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